God Gave Man Responsibility--Family Devotion with Object Lesson

(Water balloons, eggs, or macaroni help teach us to be responsible as we learn with Adam about God giving us work to do.)

Weekly Scripture:
Genesis 1 & 2

“God Gave Man Responsibility”

The Lord gives us responsibilities to do His work and care for each other.

Finding Christ:
These two chapters are packed with types of Christ. See how many you can find. Just one would be the Tree of Life. Jesus is our Eternal Life!

Live the Lesson:
Depending on where you will be doing this object lesson, what kind of weather you have, and what time of day/night…you have the option of using either: water balloons, eggs, uncooked elbow macaroni noodles, or whatever you can imagine. Have your family sit in a close circle if you use macaroni or a lot further apart if using water balloons or eggs. Without telling your family the purpose, place one bucket next to the first person in the circle with the entire “product” in it and place an empty bucket next to the last person. Explain the rules that they are responsible to pass the product around the circle. If anything drops, do not retrieve it. Just continue passing more product to the next person as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Memory Verse:
“We are God’s fellow workers.”
1 Corinthians 3:9

Dear Lord, please help me to be very careful with the responsibilities you give to me. Help me to always do my best and to always seek Your help!

Living the Life:
This week discuss responsibilities each person is given to care for each other in the family. Teach your children good manners such as holding the door open for others.

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