God's Nature Expressed in Creation--Family Devotion with Object Lesson

(A flashlight, a mirror, and a bowl of water help to remind us that God created light and colors this week as we study Creation.)

Weekly Scripture:
Read Genesis 1 & 2 to your family

“God’s Nature Expressed in Creation”

We praise God and express appreciation for His creation that reveals to us how Almighty He is!

Finding Christ:
These two chapters are packed with types of Christ. See how many you can find. Just one would be the Sabbath (the 7th day) represents Christ, our perpetual rest. Jesus also declares He is Lord of the Sabbath.

Live the Lesson:
Take a deep, clear bowl of water and place a small mirror inside of it. In a dark room shine down the flashlight on the mirror and see how it reflects colors. Lift the mirror so that it leans on one side of the bowl to get a rainbow on your wall. Explain to your children that by creating light, God also created all the colors. Now follow it up with some chocolate pudding interlaced with gummi worms and then sprinkle some crushed oreo cookies on top. Mud pudding is really yummy! Don’t forget to say “Thank you Lord, it is good.”

Memory Verse:
“I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth.”
Matthew 11:25

Dear Lord, please help me to remember to notice all that you create and praise you for it.

Living the Life:
This week point out all the things around you that God has created and how unique each thing is. Praise the Lord for His wonders with your children.

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